Proven Strategies That Keep You Ahead of the Market
Probability Band Surfer
Probabilities put in your favor
Risk vs. reward is the defining element of a winning trading methodology. Use the probability band to define your likely reward in combination with high probability trading strategies for optimum results.
Every trader is different -- each has his own risk tolerance, trading ability and analytical skills. Knowing who and what kind of trader you are, is key to determining what type of indicators or trading systems you will be comfortable using. For example, many people hate to lose. But because losing is an inevitable part of the game, this is one of the worst characteristics a trader can possess. Although you cannot completely escape losses in trading, the probability bands, used in conjunction with some high probability trading strategies can help minimize the number of losing trades you may make.

PBS Bands
Financial stocks tend to oscillate well, which makes probability bands a very useful set of tools. Outside bands are particularly when the volume is low.

Hit the Surf
Easily identify buy and sell zones when you know where the market is cresting to ride the market wave up or down.